CDBG = Community Development Block Grant
EBM = EPIC Board Meeting
EPIC = East Phillips Improvement Coalition
GMM = General Membership Meeting
NRP = Neighborhood Revitalization Program
Andy Engebretson (AE), Mary Gonsior (MG), Hannah Lieder (HL), Linda Leonard (LL), Carol Pass (CP), Albin Dittli (AD)
Directors Present for a part of the meeting: Cynthia Aguirre (CA), attended from the beginning of the meeting until midway through the Task Force/Survey discussion.
Directors not Present: Earl Sims (unknown), Rosie Cruz (unknown)
Observers: Laverne Turner (LT), attended from the beginning of the meeting until midway through the Task Force/Survey discussion.
Meeting was called to order at 10:13 by CP. The Agenda was distributed. Added: Report from attorney regarding December 13, 2004 letter by former Directors; Garden. MG was designated as recording secretary. Quorum was established (6 directors present.)
The minutes from the May 7, 2005 Board Meeting, Executive Session were read and MG requested that HL go over the timeline contained therein and amend as necessary.
Motion (MG, AE)
Motion to postpone approval of the 5/7/05 executive session minutes to the July 2 Board Meeting. Motion passed.
The minutes from the June 4, 2005 Board Meeting, Executive Session were read.
Motion (AE, LL)
Motion to postpone approval of the 6/4/05 executive session minutes to the July 2 Board Meeting. Motion passed.
CP noted that there are 8 action items from the June 4 executive session minutes.
501(c)(3) Application
CP and AD are working on transferring our previous 501(c)(3) application data to the new IRS application format. There has not been a lot of progress. The original document sent to the IRS was distributed. Charlie Ravine of MAPS contacted the IRS and concluded that because there are significant changes on the new application form, we will be required to complete the new application form. The only significant change on the part of EPIC is that we no longer have any staff. The best we can expect is that they will waive the $800 fee (not likely.) Charlie’s fee to complete the application is $350 and CP would have to provide all the documents anyway. CP recommends that we complete the application ourselves, and ask Charlie to review the document (perhaps for free.) Or, for $200 we can join MAPS and receive limited, free legal services.
CP has started filling out the new application. HL noted that two weeks have already passed since we last discussed this - she is in favor of spending an extra $150 to get the application completed in a timely manner. CA agreed. MG pointed out that we still need to come up with $800 to pay the fee. CP said that it would take as much time to provide the documentation as it would take to complete the application herself. AD is willing to help with the application. After further discussion, EPIC decided to continue to fill in the application and to use the past EPIC budget as a guideline for the budget for the application.
Motion (AD, LL) including friendly amendment (HL)
Motion to take the new and old 501(c)(3) applications and try to merge the information into the new application. AD, working with CP and HL, will complete the application as far as possible by the next board meeting on July 2, 2005. Motion passed.
Note: AD will consult with CP who will provide documents. AD welcomes anyone’s help with the application.
Task Force/Survey
AD reported that suggestions made by members at the June GMM were incorporated into the survey by AD and LL. Directors reviewed the changes by line and made further corrections to the survey. The survey takes about ten minutes to complete. Corcoran neighborhood’s survey took about 20 minutes to complete.
The following notes should be reviewed carefully by all Directors. The discussion of the next two items was confusing and at first hopped back and forth - it was difficult to record from my notes, or from the tape, a logical procession of discussion about these items. I have done my best to record the relevant comments, proposals, etc. that were made.
Response to hand-outs at GMM
During the GMM, Lynne Mayo handed out a packet called “Minutes corrections, organizational suggestions, & Requests by EPIC Member, Lynne Mayo, June 2005.” The document also included suggestions, requests and an attack against the EPIC chair. In a separate portion of the June GMM, Lynne Mayo also distributed a set of four letters written by former Board Directors.
Motion (AD, MG)
Persons wishing to distribute materials at EPIC board meetings or general membership meetings shall submit the materials to the chair to be passed out at the discretion of the chair at that meeting. Motion passed.
At this point, I have the following note - I can’t figure out what this is about. I can’t find it on the tape.
Response to criticism of Board Directors
“Action: draft a letter to Robert Thompson, to be reviewed on July 2, 2005.”
“Minutes corrections, organizational suggestions, & requests by EPIC Member, Lynne Mayo, June 2005.”
MG suggested that with the exception of paragraph #1 (correction to the minutes from April 2005), the requests made by Lynne were not submitted as motions and, in addition, did not receive a supporting “second,” therefore, do not need to be considered by the EPIC board as motions. Lynne’s suggestions and requests are probably addressed by existing EPIC bylaws and policies. EPIC will review Lynne’s suggestions and requests during future board meetings and determine how they are addressed.
After reviewing the corrections submitted for the April 2005 GMM minutes (reported on May 12, 2005) Directors concluded that not everything that was submitted as “corrections” was actually stated at the April GMM.
Motion (CP, LL)
Motion to accept the following correction to the April 2005 GMM minutes, page 2 regarding the Allina request for a letter of support from EPIC: Lynne Mayo stated, “Allina may not be a corporation we would like to give money &/or support to. This is based on Allina’s history of violating their status as a Minnesota nonprofit and misusing taxpayer’s money & trust, including overpaying upper level management and consultants.” Lynne’s request to add additional statements regarding Allina Hospitals to EPIC records (paragraphs 2, 3 and 4) is rejected, as they are not relevant to the April GMM. Motion passed.
Response to the last request on Lynne’s document regarding EPIC’s chair: CP went to Lynne’s house at Lynne’s request to provide documents that Lynne had requested. CP knocked and thought she heard “come in.” Directors view Lynne’s distribution of her version of events to the public as a personal attack that was inappropriate according to Roberts Rules of Order. EPIC will prepare a response to be published in future EBM minutes.
Response to criticism of Board Directors
At the June GMM, CP read a rebuttal to one point contained in a letter from former Board Directors to the MN Secretary of State. This letter had been circulating in the EPIC community and elsewhere. During CP’s response at the GMM, Lynne Mayo began distributing a handout containing four letters written by former Board Directors. The handout included the December 15, 2004 resignation letter addressed to Bob Cooper, Director of NRP, and a December 13, 2004 letter addressed to Bob Miller from the former directors formally protesting CP’s seat on the NRP Policy Board.
Carol, I never received a packet of the letters that were distributed at the GMM. Please add a description of the other two letters. Thanks!
Letter to the Attorney General of MN
The letter sent by former Directors to the MN Attorney General was reviewed by an attorney. The attorney described the letter as “too mushy and whining,” and “probably legally irrelevant and unprovable.” In the opinion of the attorney, the letter’s statements are merely opinions and do not rise to the level of defamation. The claim that CP had breached attorney-client privilege is unsustainable, since, as the client, CP could choose to abridge that confidentiality. The rest of the allegations are nonsensical and non-sequitor. The letter, in the attorney’s opinion, was likely prepared as a response to anticipated criticism of the writers’ actions. In fact, it is just as likely that the letter was written later than the date of letter. Directors determined that correspondence from the attorney related to former Director’s letters will be added to EPIC’s records.
Motion (MG, LL)
Requests for copies of previously distributed documents from EBM or GMM meetings will be provided for a fee of $5.00 per page at the discretion of the Secretary. Motion passed.
Directors attendance at Board Meetings
HL asked to address the issue of Directors leaving during the meeting. In addition, some Directors have missed more than one or two board meetings. EPIC still needs to define what constitutes an excused absence.
Treasurer’s Report
EPIC has received a refund of $400 from the insurance company. AE, CP and CA will be signers on the new checking account located at Wells Fargo on the corner of Lake and Bloomington. Checks need to be ordered. Seward has not responded to our request to act as fiscal agent. MG will ask PRG to consider becoming our fiscal agent. HL will ask Solomon’s Porch to act as fiscal agent. CP will find out whether we need a fiscal agent to access CDBG funds.
Motion (LL, MG)
Motion to use the $400 refund from the insurance company to extend EPIC’s liability insurance. Motion passed.
Meeting Decorum
CA and LT left the meeting during the discussion of the Task Force/Survey. Discussion of their comments and events leading to their departure revealed that several Directors felt we need to conduct more orderly discussions so that everyone feels that they have the opportunity to speak. Directors also felt that noise during the meeting was a concern to be addressed. EPIC Directors agreed to the following guidelines in an effort to resolve meeting difficulties. AE agreed to speak with CA.
Directors shall…
Commit to conducting a more orderly meeting;
Commit to taking turns to talk, and stick to one topic at a time;
Commit to seeking childcare during the meeting;
Commit to EPIC policy that members may be present but, in general, do not participate in Board Meetings.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Mary Gonsior, Secretary
June 18, 2005
2526 18th Avenue S, Apt. #5
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Thursday, June 9, 2005
Epic General Membership Meeting - June 2005
CDBG = Community Development Block Grant
EBM = EPIC Board Meeting
EPC 17th Ave. Garden Committee = East Phillips 17th Avenue Community Garden Steering Committee
EPIC = East Phillips Improvement Coalition
GMM = General Membership Meeting
GI = Green Institute
NRP = Neighborhood Revitalization Program
Directors Present: Carol Pass, Andy Engebretson, Albin Dittli, Rosie Cruz, Linda Leonard, Mary Gonsior, Cynthia Aguirre
Members Present: Ryan Brueske, Laverne Turner, Lynne Mayo, Joan Vanhala, Rachel Dittli, Brad Pass, Robert Johnson, Aden Awil, Annie Young, Florianne Wild
Directors not Present: Earl Simms, Hannah Lieder
Meeting was called to order at 6:42 by CP. Agenda was distributed.
Motion (MG, LT)
Motion to approve agenda. Motion passed.
Motion (MG, LT)
The minutes from the May 12, 2005 GMM were approved with the following corrections.
Page 1, announcements should read, “Third Grand opening at the new building, 3rd Precinct Police Station on Lake St.
Page 1, announcements should read, “…on a website Ryan has created: Phillips.”
Page 2, reports should read, “8. Brad announced that the Minneapolis Public Works Dept. wants to put an asphalt or hot mix storage facility on the corner of 26th and Hiawatha…”
Page 2, EPIC survey report should read, “…The survey will be in English, Spanish…”
Page 3, treasurer’s report should read, “4.a) The original receipt needs to be turned in to the treasurer within 30 days…”
EPIC was instrumental in helping community groups obtain the following grants:
Hispanic Baseball League (Weed & Seed, $3,150; Twins, $1,000)
Phillips Cedar Corridor (Weed & Seed, $1,000)
Motion (MG, AD)
Motion to place LM’s correction to the April GMM minutes on the agenda for the July GMM meeting when the April minutes will be available. Motion passed.
Motion (LL, MG)
Motion to place LM’s other policy requests on the July EBM agenda to be addressed by the Board. Motion passed.
Grant Writing Conference: (LL)
There are free workshops, classes and resources available at the Public Libraries where EPIC may gain assistance to access funds. St. Paul 651-266-7000 and Mpls. 612-630-6000.
Weed & Seed Crime Tech Team: (CP)
There is an effort to buy some kind of sensor grid that Minneapolis Police are researching investing in this tool.
Discussion of Chief McManus’ STOP Program. A gathering of 50 police officers from all over the city gathered into one large group, along with one intelligence officer to focus on specific crime areas.
Youth Summit (CP)
The Youth Summit was held at Stewart Park last Saturday. Rosie Cruz won a bike. Participation was kind of low.
Police Theft Report. (CP)
LL picked up a number of EPIC records and belongings; however, a full inventory has not been completed. Items included display boards, files and office supplies, some software. We haven’t found 2004 files yet.
Youth Summit (CP)
Results of filing a police theft report for the return of EPIC files-Linda
CDBG Funding report (CP)
Bob Cooper about $4,000 for organizing, printing, some reimbursements. We learned we do have liability insurance. We must complete a series of steps to obtain these funds including setting up a new bank account, finding our finance procedures.
501©(3) progress (CP)
We are still working on this. It took a very long time to get our files back. We have the records now to get this going.
Thanks to Roof Depot for pallets for compost bins- Linda
Roof Depot gave LL permission to take as many pallets as the community wants. Contact LL if you want pallets. LL will write a thank you letter from EPIC.
Thanks to Amy Brock (CP)
Amy Brock came to EPIC and helped with the survey. CP will write a thank you letter from EPIC.
Greenway Report (LL)
LL attended the annual meeting for the Greenway. The Midtown Greenway Phase II opening is June 25 at 1 PM (Saturday.) For more information, please see the newsletter. The new board was elected by moving to adopt the whole slate (of nominees.)
Discourse on Robert’s Rules (AD)
Albin reviewed the origins of Robert’s Rules of Order which come from the British Parliament. Henry Robert organized rules for smaller groups. America inherited these rules and modified them. There are three basic rules that Robert’s Rules are based upon.
Take up business one item at a time.
Promote courtesy, justice and equality.
Majority rules. However, the rights of the minority and absent members are protected.
The survey has been translated into Spanish. The Somali translation should be ready in about one week. Spanish translation was done by Rosie Cruz and Marcelino Reyes. The Somali translation is being done by Aden Awil and Mohamed Awil. The membership present filled out the survey and made the following comments/suggestions for the survey (by Question) which will be worked out in committee.
check all that apply
Alphabet instead of Numbers. Add sustainability, education, and action, livable wage, meaningful jobs, physical and emotional health of residents. Change graffiti to vandalism, single parent programs, services to non-English speakers
change text, Holy Rosary ESL program, Midtown Greenway, youth basketball.
Add numbers, bike access, bicycle friendly, add comments, what is this purpose, add in the area, add health.
is name required?
Housing and Economic Development (RB)
Dustin Heggem is the principal developer for the 29th and Cedar project which is breaking ground on July 15th. The units are 50% pre-sold. RB will be receiving funds from Weed and Seed to do model security lighting implementation. If you know of a property that is maybe next to a problem property and could use security lighting, contact Ryan at 612-823-0528 to make a recommendation.
Treasurer’s Report
LL and CA reviewed the EPIC records. We have all the financial records. PPNA did a nice job. CP, LL and MK met with our bank and removed the former directors as signers. AE and CA must go to the bank with CO and sign new signature cards. PPNA was EPIC’s fiscal agent and their name is also on the checking account along with their Federal tax ID number. The bank will close the account and reopen it with PPNA on the account. CA reported that EPIC staff was paid through December 15, 2004 plus accrued vacation pay, or $1,400 every two weeks. LL reported that former directors overlooked some business. A motion was approved in the fall and a check was send to Anderson in the amount of $1,000. A Policies & Procedures Manual was found among the contents of EPIC’s recovered records. Previous policies need to be compared to recent motions regarding policies. LL and MG are working on policies and will report on this.
Community Garden
CA is our official EPIC rep to the EPC 17th Ave. Garden Committee. CA reported that the EPC 17th Ave. Garden Committee needs to notify the neighborhood of meetings, sign a Use Agreement with all the gardeners and provide minutes of their meetings. BP reported that there is a water bill waiting at the PEAK office. Is there any decision yet on how to pay this bill? CA was asked to try to find out what portion of the water bill is EPIC’s responsibility and what portion is the gardener’s responsibility. BP reported that the EPC 17th Ave. Garden is owned by the GI in agreement with EPIC and the gardeners. AD reported that the next EPC 17th Ave. Garden Committee meeting is Saturday at noon at the 17th Avenue Garden. LM reported that a motion was passed about two years ago that the garden committee give a report every month if there was an official meeting.
Motion (LL, MG)
Motion to move the 17th Avenue EPC 17th Ave. Garden Committee finances to the EPC 17th Ave. Garden Committee to propose a set of decisions and request for funding for the future of the EPC 17th Ave. Garden Committee to the July EBM. Motion passed.
Letter to the MN Attorney General by former EPIC directors: Status of the EPIC Organization
The EPIC board discovered a letter that was written to the MN Attorney General on the 15th of December. The board determined that there should be a formal, thorough response written. The board decided not to distribute the letter except to named persons. CP read a written response to be attached to the minutes of this June GMM. AY suggested that the Board respond, maybe using this statement as a base for a letter. RB said that Bob Miller is implicated and recommended that EPIC request an explanation in writing from Miller to be distributed to EPIC members and others. BP recommended that the letter to the MN AG is libelous and needs a response. The board should respond and this should become an official EPIC document.
Motion (RB, AD)
Because Robert Miller, Executive Director of NRP, is implicated in the chaos that occurred within the organization (EPIC), the EPIC Board will ask for a letter from Robert Miller stating his role in these activities that can be distributed throughout the community. Motion passed.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Mary Gonsior, Secretary
June 9, 2005 (FINAL)
Holy Rosary Church
EBM = EPIC Board Meeting
EPC 17th Ave. Garden Committee = East Phillips 17th Avenue Community Garden Steering Committee
EPIC = East Phillips Improvement Coalition
GMM = General Membership Meeting
GI = Green Institute
NRP = Neighborhood Revitalization Program
Directors Present: Carol Pass, Andy Engebretson, Albin Dittli, Rosie Cruz, Linda Leonard, Mary Gonsior, Cynthia Aguirre
Members Present: Ryan Brueske, Laverne Turner, Lynne Mayo, Joan Vanhala, Rachel Dittli, Brad Pass, Robert Johnson, Aden Awil, Annie Young, Florianne Wild
Directors not Present: Earl Simms, Hannah Lieder
Meeting was called to order at 6:42 by CP. Agenda was distributed.
Motion (MG, LT)
Motion to approve agenda. Motion passed.
Motion (MG, LT)
The minutes from the May 12, 2005 GMM were approved with the following corrections.
Page 1, announcements should read, “Third Grand opening at the new building, 3rd Precinct Police Station on Lake St.
Page 1, announcements should read, “…on a website Ryan has created: Phillips.”
Page 2, reports should read, “8. Brad announced that the Minneapolis Public Works Dept. wants to put an asphalt or hot mix storage facility on the corner of 26th and Hiawatha…”
Page 2, EPIC survey report should read, “…The survey will be in English, Spanish…”
Page 3, treasurer’s report should read, “4.a) The original receipt needs to be turned in to the treasurer within 30 days…”
EPIC was instrumental in helping community groups obtain the following grants:
Hispanic Baseball League (Weed & Seed, $3,150; Twins, $1,000)
Phillips Cedar Corridor (Weed & Seed, $1,000)
Motion (MG, AD)
Motion to place LM’s correction to the April GMM minutes on the agenda for the July GMM meeting when the April minutes will be available. Motion passed.
Motion (LL, MG)
Motion to place LM’s other policy requests on the July EBM agenda to be addressed by the Board. Motion passed.
Grant Writing Conference: (LL)
There are free workshops, classes and resources available at the Public Libraries where EPIC may gain assistance to access funds. St. Paul 651-266-7000 and Mpls. 612-630-6000.
Weed & Seed Crime Tech Team: (CP)
There is an effort to buy some kind of sensor grid that Minneapolis Police are researching investing in this tool.
Discussion of Chief McManus’ STOP Program. A gathering of 50 police officers from all over the city gathered into one large group, along with one intelligence officer to focus on specific crime areas.
Youth Summit (CP)
The Youth Summit was held at Stewart Park last Saturday. Rosie Cruz won a bike. Participation was kind of low.
Police Theft Report. (CP)
LL picked up a number of EPIC records and belongings; however, a full inventory has not been completed. Items included display boards, files and office supplies, some software. We haven’t found 2004 files yet.
Youth Summit (CP)
Results of filing a police theft report for the return of EPIC files-Linda
CDBG Funding report (CP)
Bob Cooper about $4,000 for organizing, printing, some reimbursements. We learned we do have liability insurance. We must complete a series of steps to obtain these funds including setting up a new bank account, finding our finance procedures.
501©(3) progress (CP)
We are still working on this. It took a very long time to get our files back. We have the records now to get this going.
Thanks to Roof Depot for pallets for compost bins- Linda
Roof Depot gave LL permission to take as many pallets as the community wants. Contact LL if you want pallets. LL will write a thank you letter from EPIC.
Thanks to Amy Brock (CP)
Amy Brock came to EPIC and helped with the survey. CP will write a thank you letter from EPIC.
Greenway Report (LL)
LL attended the annual meeting for the Greenway. The Midtown Greenway Phase II opening is June 25 at 1 PM (Saturday.) For more information, please see the newsletter. The new board was elected by moving to adopt the whole slate (of nominees.)
Discourse on Robert’s Rules (AD)
Albin reviewed the origins of Robert’s Rules of Order which come from the British Parliament. Henry Robert organized rules for smaller groups. America inherited these rules and modified them. There are three basic rules that Robert’s Rules are based upon.
Take up business one item at a time.
Promote courtesy, justice and equality.
Majority rules. However, the rights of the minority and absent members are protected.
The survey has been translated into Spanish. The Somali translation should be ready in about one week. Spanish translation was done by Rosie Cruz and Marcelino Reyes. The Somali translation is being done by Aden Awil and Mohamed Awil. The membership present filled out the survey and made the following comments/suggestions for the survey (by Question) which will be worked out in committee.
check all that apply
Alphabet instead of Numbers. Add sustainability, education, and action, livable wage, meaningful jobs, physical and emotional health of residents. Change graffiti to vandalism, single parent programs, services to non-English speakers
change text, Holy Rosary ESL program, Midtown Greenway, youth basketball.
Add numbers, bike access, bicycle friendly, add comments, what is this purpose, add in the area, add health.
is name required?
Housing and Economic Development (RB)
Dustin Heggem is the principal developer for the 29th and Cedar project which is breaking ground on July 15th. The units are 50% pre-sold. RB will be receiving funds from Weed and Seed to do model security lighting implementation. If you know of a property that is maybe next to a problem property and could use security lighting, contact Ryan at 612-823-0528 to make a recommendation.
Treasurer’s Report
LL and CA reviewed the EPIC records. We have all the financial records. PPNA did a nice job. CP, LL and MK met with our bank and removed the former directors as signers. AE and CA must go to the bank with CO and sign new signature cards. PPNA was EPIC’s fiscal agent and their name is also on the checking account along with their Federal tax ID number. The bank will close the account and reopen it with PPNA on the account. CA reported that EPIC staff was paid through December 15, 2004 plus accrued vacation pay, or $1,400 every two weeks. LL reported that former directors overlooked some business. A motion was approved in the fall and a check was send to Anderson in the amount of $1,000. A Policies & Procedures Manual was found among the contents of EPIC’s recovered records. Previous policies need to be compared to recent motions regarding policies. LL and MG are working on policies and will report on this.
Community Garden
CA is our official EPIC rep to the EPC 17th Ave. Garden Committee. CA reported that the EPC 17th Ave. Garden Committee needs to notify the neighborhood of meetings, sign a Use Agreement with all the gardeners and provide minutes of their meetings. BP reported that there is a water bill waiting at the PEAK office. Is there any decision yet on how to pay this bill? CA was asked to try to find out what portion of the water bill is EPIC’s responsibility and what portion is the gardener’s responsibility. BP reported that the EPC 17th Ave. Garden is owned by the GI in agreement with EPIC and the gardeners. AD reported that the next EPC 17th Ave. Garden Committee meeting is Saturday at noon at the 17th Avenue Garden. LM reported that a motion was passed about two years ago that the garden committee give a report every month if there was an official meeting.
Motion (LL, MG)
Motion to move the 17th Avenue EPC 17th Ave. Garden Committee finances to the EPC 17th Ave. Garden Committee to propose a set of decisions and request for funding for the future of the EPC 17th Ave. Garden Committee to the July EBM. Motion passed.
Letter to the MN Attorney General by former EPIC directors: Status of the EPIC Organization
The EPIC board discovered a letter that was written to the MN Attorney General on the 15th of December. The board determined that there should be a formal, thorough response written. The board decided not to distribute the letter except to named persons. CP read a written response to be attached to the minutes of this June GMM. AY suggested that the Board respond, maybe using this statement as a base for a letter. RB said that Bob Miller is implicated and recommended that EPIC request an explanation in writing from Miller to be distributed to EPIC members and others. BP recommended that the letter to the MN AG is libelous and needs a response. The board should respond and this should become an official EPIC document.
Motion (RB, AD)
Because Robert Miller, Executive Director of NRP, is implicated in the chaos that occurred within the organization (EPIC), the EPIC Board will ask for a letter from Robert Miller stating his role in these activities that can be distributed throughout the community. Motion passed.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Mary Gonsior, Secretary
June 9, 2005 (FINAL)
Holy Rosary Church
Tuesday, June 7, 2005
Board Contract for East Phillips Improvement Coalition
Board Contract for East Phillips Improvement Coalition
Printed Name__________________________________
I do fully swear to uphold the mission statement and bylaws of the East Phillips Improvement Coalition.
I have read, signed and agreed to the Qualifications, Duties and Responsibilities, Standards of Conduct, and Pointers for Participation for being a Board member of the East Phillips Improvement Coalition.
I agree to either carry the motions of the board or respectfully dissent, and to assist in assigning a spokesperson to advocate for each motion.
If dissenting, I am obligated to state the board and/or general membership position in any public forum.
I will treat community members and Board members with respect and vow to take the rule of the majority and protection of the minority seriously.
I support the right of members to have notice of all meetings; to know by previous notice when there is a proposal to rescind or amend something previously adopted; and to be informed of the work of the organization including reports of board action, committee work, and officers.
I will read and discuss with Board peers the content of documents published by NRP and the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits about Board governance, roles and responsibilities as well as MN state law regarding nonprofit boards during the first three months of my term.
I am committed to the growth of the community as measured in numbers of active general members; EPIC’s financial stability; the success of programs and projects; and the increase of community good-will.
I consent to taking the grievances of the community seriously and to resolving conflict quickly.
I will affirm other Board members and seek to promote unity.
I will advocate relentlessly for the good of others and will choose to resign if personal interests or life’s situations make it unreasonably difficult to fulfill my responsibilities and duties toward this community.
As Witnessed By______________________________________
Printed Name__________________________________
I do fully swear to uphold the mission statement and bylaws of the East Phillips Improvement Coalition.
I have read, signed and agreed to the Qualifications, Duties and Responsibilities, Standards of Conduct, and Pointers for Participation for being a Board member of the East Phillips Improvement Coalition.
I agree to either carry the motions of the board or respectfully dissent, and to assist in assigning a spokesperson to advocate for each motion.
If dissenting, I am obligated to state the board and/or general membership position in any public forum.
I will treat community members and Board members with respect and vow to take the rule of the majority and protection of the minority seriously.
I support the right of members to have notice of all meetings; to know by previous notice when there is a proposal to rescind or amend something previously adopted; and to be informed of the work of the organization including reports of board action, committee work, and officers.
I will read and discuss with Board peers the content of documents published by NRP and the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits about Board governance, roles and responsibilities as well as MN state law regarding nonprofit boards during the first three months of my term.
I am committed to the growth of the community as measured in numbers of active general members; EPIC’s financial stability; the success of programs and projects; and the increase of community good-will.
I consent to taking the grievances of the community seriously and to resolving conflict quickly.
I will affirm other Board members and seek to promote unity.
I will advocate relentlessly for the good of others and will choose to resign if personal interests or life’s situations make it unreasonably difficult to fulfill my responsibilities and duties toward this community.
As Witnessed By______________________________________
Board Contract for East Phillips Improvement Coalition
Board Contract for East Phillips Improvement Coalition
Printed Name__________________________________
I do fully swear to uphold the mission statement and bylaws of the East Phillips Improvement Coalition.
I have read, signed and agreed to the Qualifications, Duties and Responsibilities, Standards of Conduct, and Pointers for Participation for being a Board member of the East Phillips Improvement Coalition.
I agree to either carry the motions of the board or respectfully dissent, and to assist in assigning a spokesperson to advocate for each motion.
If dissenting, I am obligated to state the board and/or general membership position in any public forum.
I will treat community members and Board members with respect and vow to take the rule of the majority and protection of the minority seriously.
I support the right of members to have notice of all meetings; to know by previous notice when there is a proposal to rescind or amend something previously adopted; and to be informed of the work of the organization including reports of board action, committee work, and officers.
I will read and discuss with Board peers the content of documents published by NRP and the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits about Board governance, roles and responsibilities as well as MN state law regarding nonprofit boards during the first three months of my term.
I am committed to the growth of the community as measured in numbers of active general members; EPIC’s financial stability; the success of programs and projects; and the increase of community good-will.
I consent to taking the grievances of the community seriously and to resolving conflict quickly.
I will affirm other Board members and seek to promote unity.
I will advocate relentlessly for the good of others and will choose to resign if personal interests or life’s situations make it unreasonably difficult to fulfill my responsibilities and duties toward this community.
As Witnessed By______________________________________
Printed Name__________________________________
I do fully swear to uphold the mission statement and bylaws of the East Phillips Improvement Coalition.
I have read, signed and agreed to the Qualifications, Duties and Responsibilities, Standards of Conduct, and Pointers for Participation for being a Board member of the East Phillips Improvement Coalition.
I agree to either carry the motions of the board or respectfully dissent, and to assist in assigning a spokesperson to advocate for each motion.
If dissenting, I am obligated to state the board and/or general membership position in any public forum.
I will treat community members and Board members with respect and vow to take the rule of the majority and protection of the minority seriously.
I support the right of members to have notice of all meetings; to know by previous notice when there is a proposal to rescind or amend something previously adopted; and to be informed of the work of the organization including reports of board action, committee work, and officers.
I will read and discuss with Board peers the content of documents published by NRP and the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits about Board governance, roles and responsibilities as well as MN state law regarding nonprofit boards during the first three months of my term.
I am committed to the growth of the community as measured in numbers of active general members; EPIC’s financial stability; the success of programs and projects; and the increase of community good-will.
I consent to taking the grievances of the community seriously and to resolving conflict quickly.
I will affirm other Board members and seek to promote unity.
I will advocate relentlessly for the good of others and will choose to resign if personal interests or life’s situations make it unreasonably difficult to fulfill my responsibilities and duties toward this community.
As Witnessed By______________________________________
Saturday, June 4, 2005
EPIC Board Meeting - June 2005
CDBG = Community Development Block Grant
EBM = EPIC Board Meeting
EPIC = East Phillips Improvement Coalition
GMM = General Membership Meeting
NRP = Neighborhood Revitalization Program
Mary Gonsior (MG), Hannah Lieder (HL), Linda Leonard (LL), Carol Pass (CP), Albin Dittli (AD), Rosie Cruz (RC)
Directors Present for a part of the meeting: Rosie Cruz (son’s graduation; attended executive session of the meeting.)
Directors not Present: Andy Engebretson (out of town), Cynthia Aguirre (family matter), and Earl (job interview)
Observers: None
Meeting was called to order at 9:13 by CP. Agenda was distributed. MG was designated as recording secretary. Quorum was established (5 directors present.)
CP read EPIC’s Mission Statement at the outset of the board meeting.
MG announced that her daughter, Amber, gave birth to a healthy baby girl on May 27th; Chlöe Lynn Keller.
EPIC was instrumental in accessing the following grants for the Hispanic Baseball League: Weed & Seed, $3,150.00; MN Twins grant for youth, $1,000.00.
EPIC was instrumental in accessing the following grants for the Phillips Cedar Corridor: Weed & Seed, approx. $1,500.00; Ryan Brueske, is looking into the purchase of a surveillance camera.
EBM Meeting place
RC has offered her garage for a meeting place for EPIC board meetings in July and August. The Hispanic Baseball League currently holds their meetings there and there is sufficient space and equipment. The board accepted this offer. A discussion regarding opening the board meeting to the public and the costs associated with publishing minutes, motions and meeting dates and locations in local papers resulted in the following action item: AD will investigate the cost and feasibility of publishing EPIC motions in Southside Pride and/or The Alley.
The minutes from the last Board Meeting (5/7/2005) were read and approved. Updates were reported on the following action items from the May Board meeting.
Treasurer’s report
CA has obtained the financial records and checkbook for EPIC from Margaret Kirkpatrick. LL will work with CA to ensure that the paperwork required to update the signatures for the checking account are obtained by Thursday’s GMM. LL will inquire whether Margaret Kirkpatrick’s signature is required to update the signatures on the checking account.
Policy adopted for signing checks.
Three signers will be designated on the checking account. All checks $100.00 and more require two signatures. AD asked how the bank would know that two signatures were required on certain checks. LL and CA will investigate and report back.
Fiscal Agent
In May, CP contacted Seward neighborhood. We haven’t received a response yet from Seward. In May, CP contacted Mount Olive Church. Mount Olive Church declined EPIC’s request to serve as fiscal agent.
CDBG grant for future funding of organizing activities of EPIC
(No report. From May EBM: CP will write a CDBG grant for future funding of organizing activities of EPIC.)
The annual fee for the PO Box was paid by Brad Pass and mail continues to go to the PO Box. CP has been picking up the mail, but will cancel the PO Box and request a refund. The official address for EPIC will be changed to EPIC, c/o Carol Pass, President. CP will update the address with the MN Secretary of State.
Nonprofit Status Application
CP and AD are working on transferring our previous 501(c)(3) application data to the new IRS application format. The board will meet for one hour on June 18th to determine whether it is feasible to complete our reapplication ourselves. If not feasible, Charlie Ravine, attorney with MAPS will assist EPIC for a fee of $350.00.
Losses and Insurance
In May, CP reported that EPIC is working with the State Auditor to file a claim for losses including records, equipment, services, and costs to recover data from EPIC’s computer. LL was working with a private attorney to try to recover lost records and property. Minneapolis police assisted EPIC in recovering records from David Fisher, however, records from 2004 have not been found. Additional updates were reported during executive session, later in the meeting.
In May, AE and AD reported being asked separately by a resident why Robert Thompson, EPIC’s NRP liaison was “asked not to attend” the April GMM. Robert contacted EPIC and offered to attend the April meeting, as do other funding organizations such as Weed & Seed and Abbot. EPIC felt the April agenda was already full and invited Robert to attend the GMM at a later date.
In June, AD reported that he had responded to the resident regarding the Robert Thompson matter. The resident was very appreciative of his response.
NRP’s Relationship to EPIC
We know that individuals are communicating directly with NRP regarding EPIC activities. The previous EPIC board mistakenly communicated to the community that NRP is the “administrator” for EPIC and NRP has reinforced this mistaken notion through their past actions and statements.
This misunderstanding regarding EPIC’s relationship with NRP has trickled down into the thinking of other neighborhood organizations including PPNA.
While members are free to initiate inquiries and make suggestions regarding EPIC activities and actions, NRP (or other organizations) should initiate communication with EPIC when receiving these inquiries. In addition, NRP has a duty to direct EPIC community members to the EPIC organization for the purpose of addressing their concerns and suggestions.
CP proposed that EPIC board send a letter to NRP and other organizations who have received inquiries from EPIC community members. This letter would call attention to NRP’s professional responsibility to allow EPIC to conduct its own business and operations, and direct NRP to respond to the public regarding NRP policies, procedures and business only. The letter would direct NRP to communicate with EPIC about these inquiries, and direct the public to EPIC for a response. NRP should not respond to the public regarding EPIC policies, procedures and business.
MG proposed an additional general letter, introducing EPIC board members. The letter would address the same issues. This letter would be sent to organizations with which EPIC desires a partnership or working relationship.
CP and MG will each draft a letter and present to board members by email.
Greenway Land Use Overlay Plan
HL proposed that EPIC ask Margaret Kirkpatrick to represent EPIC on this committee. They hold one meeting per month.
Board Training
CP requested that Directors read again the articles that were distributed at the May EBM.
Financial Malfeasance and Nonfeasance: Ten Pitfalls Boards Should Avoid.
Off the Shelf 1: How to Ensure that Your Strategic Plan Becomes a Valued Tool.
Executive Session – December resignation letter from former Board Directors
Minutes of this report and subsequent discussion are restricted due to privacy and confidentiality requirements and will not be made available to the public.
Task Force/Survey
CP will speak with Corcoran neighborhood and find out which office provides training for survey protocols. LL proposed that EPIC conduct a test survey to evaluate the efficacy of the survey. The survey still needs to be translated into Spanish and Somali.
Franklin Station Town homes
MG will contact David Berg, President of the Association and invite residents to send a resident to EPIC meetings. MG will ask for a copy of their meeting minutes that discuss residents request to the City of Minneapolis to remove parking restrictions on 24th Street.
Commodore Bar
EPIC residents, Midtown residents and Minneapolis police are concerned about safety issues related to the burned-out Commodore Bar. EPIC will write a letter to Dean Zimmerman and Gary Schiff asking for immediate action in taking down the building. A copy of the letter will be sent to Inspections, 3rd Precinct, Midtown Phillips Neighborhood, and the owner.
Crime and Safety
Court Watch, Weed & Seed, and Tech Team have all reported problems with properties on the 2400 block of 16th Avenue. In addition, police are trying to address problems related to the bushes surrounding 2447 16th Avenue.
Condominiums on Bloomington Avenue
Efforts to acquire one last property on the east side of the 2900 block of Bloomington Avenue are not going well. The developer has requested a letter of support from EPIC for public condemnation of the property.
Townhouses on Bloomington Avenue
Sherman Associates is scheduled to start soon on the additional townhouses being built on the east side of the 2800 block of Bloomington Avenue.
Condominiums on Cedar
Private developers plan to break ground on 20 condos at 29th and Cedar Avenue. The development includes underground parking, balconies on the greenway and units are already selling.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Mary Gonsior, Secretary
June 4, 2005
2526 18th Avenue S, Apt. #5
EBM = EPIC Board Meeting
EPIC = East Phillips Improvement Coalition
GMM = General Membership Meeting
NRP = Neighborhood Revitalization Program
Mary Gonsior (MG), Hannah Lieder (HL), Linda Leonard (LL), Carol Pass (CP), Albin Dittli (AD), Rosie Cruz (RC)
Directors Present for a part of the meeting: Rosie Cruz (son’s graduation; attended executive session of the meeting.)
Directors not Present: Andy Engebretson (out of town), Cynthia Aguirre (family matter), and Earl (job interview)
Observers: None
Meeting was called to order at 9:13 by CP. Agenda was distributed. MG was designated as recording secretary. Quorum was established (5 directors present.)
CP read EPIC’s Mission Statement at the outset of the board meeting.
MG announced that her daughter, Amber, gave birth to a healthy baby girl on May 27th; Chlöe Lynn Keller.
EPIC was instrumental in accessing the following grants for the Hispanic Baseball League: Weed & Seed, $3,150.00; MN Twins grant for youth, $1,000.00.
EPIC was instrumental in accessing the following grants for the Phillips Cedar Corridor: Weed & Seed, approx. $1,500.00; Ryan Brueske, is looking into the purchase of a surveillance camera.
EBM Meeting place
RC has offered her garage for a meeting place for EPIC board meetings in July and August. The Hispanic Baseball League currently holds their meetings there and there is sufficient space and equipment. The board accepted this offer. A discussion regarding opening the board meeting to the public and the costs associated with publishing minutes, motions and meeting dates and locations in local papers resulted in the following action item: AD will investigate the cost and feasibility of publishing EPIC motions in Southside Pride and/or The Alley.
The minutes from the last Board Meeting (5/7/2005) were read and approved. Updates were reported on the following action items from the May Board meeting.
Treasurer’s report
CA has obtained the financial records and checkbook for EPIC from Margaret Kirkpatrick. LL will work with CA to ensure that the paperwork required to update the signatures for the checking account are obtained by Thursday’s GMM. LL will inquire whether Margaret Kirkpatrick’s signature is required to update the signatures on the checking account.
Policy adopted for signing checks.
Three signers will be designated on the checking account. All checks $100.00 and more require two signatures. AD asked how the bank would know that two signatures were required on certain checks. LL and CA will investigate and report back.
Fiscal Agent
In May, CP contacted Seward neighborhood. We haven’t received a response yet from Seward. In May, CP contacted Mount Olive Church. Mount Olive Church declined EPIC’s request to serve as fiscal agent.
CDBG grant for future funding of organizing activities of EPIC
(No report. From May EBM: CP will write a CDBG grant for future funding of organizing activities of EPIC.)
The annual fee for the PO Box was paid by Brad Pass and mail continues to go to the PO Box. CP has been picking up the mail, but will cancel the PO Box and request a refund. The official address for EPIC will be changed to EPIC, c/o Carol Pass, President. CP will update the address with the MN Secretary of State.
Nonprofit Status Application
CP and AD are working on transferring our previous 501(c)(3) application data to the new IRS application format. The board will meet for one hour on June 18th to determine whether it is feasible to complete our reapplication ourselves. If not feasible, Charlie Ravine, attorney with MAPS will assist EPIC for a fee of $350.00.
Losses and Insurance
In May, CP reported that EPIC is working with the State Auditor to file a claim for losses including records, equipment, services, and costs to recover data from EPIC’s computer. LL was working with a private attorney to try to recover lost records and property. Minneapolis police assisted EPIC in recovering records from David Fisher, however, records from 2004 have not been found. Additional updates were reported during executive session, later in the meeting.
In May, AE and AD reported being asked separately by a resident why Robert Thompson, EPIC’s NRP liaison was “asked not to attend” the April GMM. Robert contacted EPIC and offered to attend the April meeting, as do other funding organizations such as Weed & Seed and Abbot. EPIC felt the April agenda was already full and invited Robert to attend the GMM at a later date.
In June, AD reported that he had responded to the resident regarding the Robert Thompson matter. The resident was very appreciative of his response.
NRP’s Relationship to EPIC
We know that individuals are communicating directly with NRP regarding EPIC activities. The previous EPIC board mistakenly communicated to the community that NRP is the “administrator” for EPIC and NRP has reinforced this mistaken notion through their past actions and statements.
This misunderstanding regarding EPIC’s relationship with NRP has trickled down into the thinking of other neighborhood organizations including PPNA.
While members are free to initiate inquiries and make suggestions regarding EPIC activities and actions, NRP (or other organizations) should initiate communication with EPIC when receiving these inquiries. In addition, NRP has a duty to direct EPIC community members to the EPIC organization for the purpose of addressing their concerns and suggestions.
CP proposed that EPIC board send a letter to NRP and other organizations who have received inquiries from EPIC community members. This letter would call attention to NRP’s professional responsibility to allow EPIC to conduct its own business and operations, and direct NRP to respond to the public regarding NRP policies, procedures and business only. The letter would direct NRP to communicate with EPIC about these inquiries, and direct the public to EPIC for a response. NRP should not respond to the public regarding EPIC policies, procedures and business.
MG proposed an additional general letter, introducing EPIC board members. The letter would address the same issues. This letter would be sent to organizations with which EPIC desires a partnership or working relationship.
CP and MG will each draft a letter and present to board members by email.
Greenway Land Use Overlay Plan
HL proposed that EPIC ask Margaret Kirkpatrick to represent EPIC on this committee. They hold one meeting per month.
Board Training
CP requested that Directors read again the articles that were distributed at the May EBM.
Financial Malfeasance and Nonfeasance: Ten Pitfalls Boards Should Avoid.
Off the Shelf 1: How to Ensure that Your Strategic Plan Becomes a Valued Tool.
Executive Session – December resignation letter from former Board Directors
Minutes of this report and subsequent discussion are restricted due to privacy and confidentiality requirements and will not be made available to the public.
Task Force/Survey
CP will speak with Corcoran neighborhood and find out which office provides training for survey protocols. LL proposed that EPIC conduct a test survey to evaluate the efficacy of the survey. The survey still needs to be translated into Spanish and Somali.
Franklin Station Town homes
MG will contact David Berg, President of the Association and invite residents to send a resident to EPIC meetings. MG will ask for a copy of their meeting minutes that discuss residents request to the City of Minneapolis to remove parking restrictions on 24th Street.
Commodore Bar
EPIC residents, Midtown residents and Minneapolis police are concerned about safety issues related to the burned-out Commodore Bar. EPIC will write a letter to Dean Zimmerman and Gary Schiff asking for immediate action in taking down the building. A copy of the letter will be sent to Inspections, 3rd Precinct, Midtown Phillips Neighborhood, and the owner.
Crime and Safety
Court Watch, Weed & Seed, and Tech Team have all reported problems with properties on the 2400 block of 16th Avenue. In addition, police are trying to address problems related to the bushes surrounding 2447 16th Avenue.
Condominiums on Bloomington Avenue
Efforts to acquire one last property on the east side of the 2900 block of Bloomington Avenue are not going well. The developer has requested a letter of support from EPIC for public condemnation of the property.
Townhouses on Bloomington Avenue
Sherman Associates is scheduled to start soon on the additional townhouses being built on the east side of the 2800 block of Bloomington Avenue.
Condominiums on Cedar
Private developers plan to break ground on 20 condos at 29th and Cedar Avenue. The development includes underground parking, balconies on the greenway and units are already selling.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Mary Gonsior, Secretary
June 4, 2005
2526 18th Avenue S, Apt. #5
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