Minutes 1/12/2006
NOTE: EPIC general Membership meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at Holy Rosary church at 6:30 PM.
NEXT MEETING is Feb. 9th, 2006
Please mark your calendar & bring these minutes
Directors Present:
Carol Pass (CP), Mary Gonsior (MG), Hanna Lieder (HL), Rosie Cruz (RC), Earl Simms (ES),
Members Present:
Amy Pass (AP), Brad Pass (BP), Ryan Brueske (RB), Karen Clark (KC), Stephanie Allan (SA), Jessica Smith (JS)
Guests Present:
Heidi Roufs (HR), Sherzad Cruz (SC), Mike Dale {youth director HR Church (MD)},Julie Ingebretsen (JI), Don Greely (DG)
MG called the meeting to order as a committee of the whole @ 6:41 PM and attendees introduced themselves. A quorum was achieved shortly after the introductions.
Motion: Approve agenda. Passed
Motion: Approve 12/8/2005 GMM Minutes. Passed without with-out change
CP Report on NRP Program Income Amendment.
The question of the disposition of the dollars from repaid loans made to low income home-owners under the neighborhoods home fix-up program is being addressed by a “…. draft NRP Program Income amendment to the City’s NRP Ordinance”. The proposed amendment states that – “The City shall consider program income generated within a particular NRP neighborhood to be available for future use by that same NRP neighborhood ….”.
If this passes it means that the money EPIC loaned to East Phillips home owners to fix their houses will come back to EPIC instead of going to the city when the loan is repaid on the sale of the property as required by the terms of the loan. This will allow EPIC to loan the money to another East Phillips home-owner instead of loosing it to the City.
TO DO! The amendment will be discussed at a public hearing of the Community Development Committee on FEB. 14th.
TO DO! Written comments must be received prior to Feb. 2nd, 2006. Send to Jeff Schneider at jeff.schneider@ci.minneapolis.mn.us
CP Report on Peavey Park & E. Phillips Park.
A Scott Vreeland E-mail states that Peavey Park will open ASAP as a result of neighborhood pressure and an agreement with the Park Board. Next step is to find a buyer for the Four Winds School property who will keep the gym open.
An Annie Young E-mail states that momentum is building for a Community Center in E. Phillips Park. She recommends a Green Building with Wind Generator and Geothermal heat/cooling. Center must be multi-cultural supporting all residents of the community.
EPIC General Membership Meeting
Draft Minutes 1/12/2006
A Karen Clark letter states she will support both Peavey and E. Phillips initiatives.
CP reported that EPIC still has substantial Phase One NRP funds, part of which could be used for a Multi-cultural Community and Recreation center in East Phillips Park.
UL expressed concern over a possible conflict over Multi Culture as opposed to Native Culture as a theme for the center.
TO DO! Motion: RB moved; EPIC will consider funding sources including EPIC’s NRP dollars for the proposed multi-cultural Community Center and Recreational Facility which will be located in East Phillips Park and will be for the use and enjoyment of all neighborhood residents. Seconded and Passed
CP Financial Report.
$2,000 of CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) funds were released to EPIC and will be deposited into the EPIC account.
MG noted two changes to the CDBG Funding Guidelines. 1) $s will now be distributed entirely on a demographic needs and housing quality basis instead of being partially based on responses to RFPs. 2) As a result of this change, 11 neighborhoods were dropped from the program due to lack of need. These 11 will receive a one time final transitional grant.
The question was asked – will the remaining neighborhoods split a larger amount of money or will the program be reduced by the amount the dropped neighborhoods received? CP answered that all eligible neighborhoods will receive less. Some of those experiencing the most significant loss will also receive a small transitional grant.
DG Crime Report.
Current Mug Shots of frequent fliers and the 3rd Precinct Resource List were handed out.
Part 1 (serious crimes) are on the rise after a slight decline in early 2005. Robberies (with a weapon involved) and the huge graffiti problem led the list. The CRT Team is undercover in force trying to catch the perpetrators red handed. Call 311 to reach the new community one call info center and for graffiti reports. Many new criminal faces are appearing on 15th Ave. S. Greeley called for neighbors to make a Community Impact Statement and consider the Court Watch process whereby citizens monitor the judges sentences in cases that involve quality-of-life crimes in the neighborhood.
RC reported rampant crime activity between Bloomington and 18th North of Lake. She asked about police policy on responding to home alarm system activation. DG responded that it was not a top priority because of all the false alarms but they do respond as time permits. Police look for signs of forced entry but will not break down a door to investigate.
BP reported on success and importance of Impact Statements and Court Watch. Also reported that the Bloomington Ave. Citizen’s Patrol (BACP) has received a Weed & Seed Grant and has purchased identifying vests and caps and has purchased four new discreet frequency ‘Walki-Talkies’. The BACP will increase patrols this spring. Call 612-916-8478 to volunteer.
RB recommended a proactive response to graffiti – Report it to 311. Photograph it and E- mail it to the third precinct. Repaint ASAP. He said the city would repaint in a similar color or would give a 60 day notice to remove the graffiti. He is working on grants to pay for cameras to document perpetrators.
MG Allina Job report.
NRP negotiated a contract to provide a forgivable build-out loan to Allina for their move to the Midtown Exchange (former Sears site) building. This loan is forgivable based on a formula relating to training, employment longevity, purchase aid for local housing and continuing education incentives for
neighborhood residents. EPIC residents will become eligible for these hiring incentives and jobs based on EPIC’s contribution to the NRP/Allina program.
TO DO! Motion: HL Moved:
Whereas: NRP and Allina Corp. have created a job training, hiring and home ownership program to fill the many new jobs anticipated for Allina’s new corporate headquarters in the Midtown Exchange,
And whereas: Allina will gain debt reduction for each person trained and hired from neighborhoods which contribute financially to its office space build-out fund under the contract between NRP and Allina,
And whereas: EPIC wishes that its residents be eligible to take advantage of this incentive hiring program,
Therefore, be it resolved: that EPIC will invest $5000 of its NRP Phase I Economic Development funds in the Allina Job Incentive Program. These funds will be invested as a deferred and forgivable loan based on the formulas contained in the contract between NRP and Allina which was presented to the EPIC general membership meeting of December 8, 2005.
ES Seconded. Motion Passed unanimously.
TO DO! MG noted that in accordance with our By-Laws, this motion was formulated & discussed at EPIC’s 12/8/2005 GMM meeting and deferred for voting to the 1/12/2006 GMM meeting. She also noted that EPIC try to notify all East Phillips residents of these opportunities.
MG Report on NRP Phase 1 Review.
Other neighborhood Phase 1 Reviews were passed out to help gain an understanding of what is necessary for EPIC’s review. The NRP Phase 1 Review Committee will meet at MG’s house on 1/14/06 @ 10:00 to work on the review.
MG By-Law revision report:
TO DO! EPIC By-Law changes are an important event and as a result require a 30 day notification to the entire community. This is an expensive mailing and in order to be financially responsible, EPIC usually chooses to make notification of these changes in the mailing which must go out to all residents notifying them of the EPIC annual Meeting. Therefore, these changes along with other important EPIC
EPIC General Membership Meeting
Draft Minutes 1/12/2006
business such as election of Board members and officers of the corporation will be considered at the annual meeting of EPIC.
CP reported that the only substantive changes to the By-Laws anticipated at this time will involve an improved Grievance Policy. Other changes will correct inconsistencies and grammar. In accordance with EPIC By-Laws, these changes will be available for review by the residents at least thirty days prior to the Annual Meeting.
ES Report on Drug Paraphernalia for sale @ 28th & Bloomington.
More Value Foods has an annex which is selling drug paraphernalia along with cell-phones & etc. In discussion it was decided that this is an affront to the community and will not be tolerated.
TO DO! RB offered to write a letter to Randy Hammad who owns the building and his son who apparently runs the store. ES offered to deliver the letter but it was decided that a safer approach would be to ask Don Greely or Gary Shiff to deliver it. Letter should be ccd to police, block club leaders, the Mayor & etc.
TO DO! KC asked to be on the February agenda to give a legislative report and an update on the bonding bill. She also said that the park board must stop charging for the use of the people’s parks. KC pointed out that legislators from the state Senate will visit East Phillips Park on Jan. 25th. She and Scott Vreeland requested that we bring spokespersons from the Neighborhood who are prepared to speak to the legislators on the need for this multi-cultural community and recreational center.
TO DO! RB asked if KC could work on asking for mandatory sentences for chronic offenders.
TO DO! MG asked if future Minutes and Agendas could note the date and time of the next GMM.
Motion: To adjourn. Seconded and passed at 9:05 PM
Respectfully submitted by;
Brad Pass